
"The ground trembled as the heat intensified, and in the midst of the inferno, Asmadan's wrathful form emerged."


Asmadan, the deity of fire and combat, is a vengeful being who takes great pleasure in wreaking havoc upon enemies. His very presence can ignite an intense inferno, consuming all who dare to oppose them.

Quick Reference


The Deity of Fire and Combat

  • Domains: Fire, Combat
  • Symbols: Blazing flames, Hammers or Axes engulfed in fire
  • Worshipers: Warriors seeking victory in battle, pyromancers, barbarians those who seek Aid in Battle or want to explore the endless fires.

  • Alignment: Chaotic neutral
  • Allies:
  • Enemies: Umbrial





Temples dedicated to Asmadan are usually adorned with fiery motifs and symbols depicting weapons engulfed in flames. The interior is often dark and foreboding, with open flames providing the only source of light. Statues of Asmadan can be found in the center of these temples, surrounded by offerings from worshipers seeking his favor.



Asmadan's origins are rooted in conflict and destruction. Born from the ashes of countless battles, he embodies the primal rage that fuels the fire in the heart of any warrior. Wild at heart, ignited by victory. In the early times Asmadan had the shape of a very sinister and wild beast, wielding a hammer followed by a swath of desolation. In the time of the shattering Asmadan upgraded his wargear, he is wearing a dark Armor and fiery weapons.

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The Birth of Fire Magic

It is believed that Asmadan was the first deity to wield fire magic. He created it through some nodes which were powered by Mysteria. The existence of this magic lead many magicians and other magical beeings to practise the flame of 🌐Skoria/🌐Worldbuilding/Nether Plane/Gods/Asmadan.


Goals and Motivations

Asmadan's primary goal is to spread chaos and destruction throughout the world. He seeks to empower his followers so they can conquer their enemies and further his influence. When interacting with mortal beings, Asmadan may manipulate them into violent conflicts or provide guidance on how to harness their anger for personal gain.

Appearance and Visions

When Asmadan appears before mortals, he often takes the form of a towering figure surrounded by a raging inferno. His eyes burn with an intense fury that few can withstand, and the air around him crackles with heat. His voice is akin to roaring flames; it booms with authority as he delivers his message.

Personality Traits

Asmadan is wrathful, vengeful, and relentless in pursuing his goals. He despises weakness and will stop at nothing to eradicate those who stand against him or his followers.

  • Ideals: Wrath, conquering one's enemies through strength
  • Bonds: Loyalty to followers who embrace their rage and use it for destructive purposes
  • Flaws: Easily provoked into fits of anger; can be reckless in his pursuit of vengeance

Roleplaying Guide

When roleplaying as a follower of Asmadan, embrace your character's wrath and channel it into their combat skills. Be aggressive in your tactics and prioritize strength over diplomacy. A memorable trait for Asmadan followers is their unyielding fury, making them stand out from other deities' worshipers.


  • Some believe that Asmadan was once a mortal warrior who ascended to godhood after countless victories in battle.
  • Some ancient texts claim that the first fire magic spells were taught to mortals by 🌐Skoria/🌐Worldbuilding/Nether Plane/Gods/Asmadan himself.
  • Domain: Fire
  • Associated Element: Combat
  • Virtue: Wrath

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